Cindy Fussell Cindy Fussell


King of the heart, Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) reigns supreme. It is gentle yet very powerful for long life. The leaf, flower and berry are used. Hawthorn is a true tonic. I can stimulate or relax depending on what the body needs, often lowering blood pressure. Hawthorn can prevent as well as treat heart conditions. It dilates arteries and veins allowing for better blood flow and releasing blockages. In Chinese medicine heart blockages show up energetically long before there is a physical blockage. You can have a powerful heart muscle yet die from a broken heart. Helping with depression and anxiety, Hawthorn assists in opening the heart emotionally which makes it for ready to heal. For the heart to be affected spiritually, it has to open, to soften. God filled this earth with plants that can meet us where we are. So listen to Hawthorn. If it has healing to offer you, you will hear it as you take this herb as a tincture or tea.

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Cindy Fussell Cindy Fussell


Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is calming and relaxing. Historically it has been used to treat epilepsy, insomnia, anxiety and even panic attacks. It is gentle enough to treat hyperactivity in children. It’s antispasmodic quality may help with cramps and spastic muscles. Another great characteristic of passionflower is its ability to help with sleep. Combine with valerian to really get a good night’s sleep. For depression try combining passionflower with St. John’s Wort. Taken as a tea or tincture, passionflower may be the herb you are looking for to calm and get a great night’s sleep.

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Blue Vervain
Cindy Fussell Cindy Fussell

Blue Vervain

Verbena hastata, the American vervain, blue vervain or swamp verbena, is a flowering plant in the vervain family Verbenaceae. It is a perennial herbaceous plant with opposite, simple leaves which have double-serrate margins, borne on stiffly erect, branching square stems. The purple flowers appear in summer.

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Healing salve making
Cindy Fussell Cindy Fussell

Healing salve making

A healing salve is an oil-based medicine, generally used topically. A carrier oil is infused with herbs, resins or other medicinal compounds and then it's thickened with a bit of wax (usually beeswax) for easier application.

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Vitex Berry
Cindy Fussell Cindy Fussell

Vitex Berry

The Power of Vitex Berry (Vitex agnus-castus)
Vitex, also known as Chaste Tree is an effective herb for supporting and balancing hormones through the seasons of a woman’s life. Specifically vitex can assist with hot flashes, night sweats and irritability associated hormonal changes. Vitex works beautifully with many other herbs such as motherwort, alfalfa, dandelion root and passionflower. Each woman is different so working with an experienced herbalist is a good idea to find the combination that best supports your body. Vitex has such a strong spicy flavor that blending will make it more enjoyable as a tea. In tincture form, it should be added to water.

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